Tips To Lose Weight Quickly – How To Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days

Hi, I’m Stacey and I’m 43 years young!
I’d like to share my story of how I lost 30 pounds in 27 days with RESURGE Deep Sleep and HGH Support Formula.
I was 6 years old when I was first made to feel ashamed of my body.
It was Christmas brunch with my entire family.
When it came time to take a family photo, my grandfather told me to suck in my belly.
When I didn’t, he angrily told me to stand behind my cousin so only my head could be seen in the photo.

I was 9 years old when we celebrated my grandmother’s birthday.

I was so excited when it was time to have cake (my favorite triple layer chocolate cake) — but my grandfather didn’t give me any.
He said to me, in front of everyone, “You don’t need cake. You look like your belly is already full of cakes.”

As an adult, I tried again and again to lose weight but without success.

I’d be on the Weight Watchers program one day, then Jenny Craig the next. I was even desperate enough to go on a water-only diet for 6 days straight (that’s another story to tell!).
I would lose some weight with these ‘methods’ but as soon as I stopped the programs, the weight would come back.
And with a vengeance. Every. Single. Time.
I eventually gave up trying and accepted that this was just the body I was meant to have.

The chance encounter that changed everything

What eventually changed everything for me was RESURGE, a dietary supplement that supports deep sleep and promotes HGH (human growth hormone) production.
It was during one of my many sleepless night surfing the net that I stumbled upon John Barban’s video presentation on RESURGE.
The biggest revelation from John’s presentation was that women in their 40s, 50s and even 60s don’t lose weight and are storing fat because of shallow deep syndrome.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re getting 8 or even 10 hours of sleep a day, if you weren’t in a state of deep sleep the resulting hormonal changes make sure your body stores fat and throw your fat burning cycles out of whack.
Even if you work yourself to death in the gym or restrict your diet as much as you can, your body’s hormonal change caused by a lack of deep sleep makes absolutely certain you never lose an ounce of fat.

Three days later, I received my first 90-day supply of RESURGE.

And I took one that same night.
When I stepped on the scale the next morning my jaw dropped when I saw that I was 2 pounds lighter.
Like every other fad diet I had tried, I was skeptical with the results.
So, I chalked it up to me just eating less the night before.
But it happened again.
The day after taking my second supplement, I had dropped 2 more pounds.
So I continued for the remaining 90 days.
And here are the SHOCKING results I experienced that I will always consider a true miracle:
  1. My weight dropped like a rock from 208 lbs to 178 lbs in just 27 days. I no longer had to worry about my blood pressure or cholesterol levels or any other obesity related diseases.
  2. In that full 90-day period, I lost a total of 74 pounds! It was far easier than I expected. I never once felt hungry and I’ve not gained back any of the weight since.
  3. I just had my 44th birthday and, I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my 20’s. Keeping up with children while juggling a full-time job would have been impossible for me at my previous weight and condition!
  4. My extreme fatigue and dramatic mood swings have also disappeared and my creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back just in time for our family’s trip to Italy this summer. And not to brag, my husband can’t keep his hands off of me now. I truly couldn’t feel happier.
If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to learn more about RESURGE, which I have outlined below and I urge you to  watch John’s presentation.


RESURGE is a dietary supplement that helps you obtain a prolonged period of deep sleep to support the optimal production of Human Growth Hormones (HGH) while you sleep. An optimal level of HGH makes your body burn fat faster and slows the aging process down dramatically.
RESURGE is billed as the first-ever clinically-proven all natural supplement that reverses aging and burns fat at the same time.
RESURGE especially helps men and women over 40 years of age overcome metabolic slowdown and shallow sleep syndrome whilst enhancing the body’s metabolic regeneration process.
With RESURGE, your body is able to be reach optimal levels of restorative rest, in turn increasing your metabolic rate while you rest and sleep nightly.
In short, RESURGE forces your body to burn fat and you’ll lose weight while you sleep.

RESURGE is different from other weight loss supplements

RESURGE works differently than many other diet-oriented supplements.
While other supplements function by directly addressing weight loss, RESURGE focuses on securing deep sleep as its main priority because deep sleep is the most regenerative phase of sleeping.
According to a study conducted on 1,892 obese men and women, 86% of participants were able to double their weight loss progress by just obtaining 6-7 hours of deep sleep every night.

The Ingredients in RESURGE

The effectiveness of any dietary supplement should be traceable back to the ingredients that make it up.
If a supplement is comprised of useless or superfluous ingredients, then little results can be expected from the supplement’s performance.
The RESURGE formula is FDA approved and comprised of an optimal combination of 8 all-natural ingredients, including:
1,2. 1200mg Arginine & 1200mg Lysine
These natural amino acids increase HGH release during sleep by up to 695%, which helps to slow the aging process and boost metabolism.
3. 200mg L-Theanine
This ingredient reduces anxiety and resting heart rate – which in turn significantly increases the duration of the ‘deep sleep’ stage of rest.
4. 150mg East Indian Ashwagandha
This natural remedy has been known to decrease stress, cortisol, and anxiety, promoting a more relaxed sleep.
5. 10mg Melatonin
This compound helps users get to sleep faster & increase duration of their deep sleep.
6,7. 50mg Magnesium & 15mg Zinc
Both these minerals improve the ease of getting to sleep and enhances your morning alertness
8. 100mg Natural Amino Acid Hydroxytryptophan
Enhances the effects of the melatonin & improves the quality of deep sleep
Together, these ingredients perform a specific set of functions:
By taking RESURGE, you’ll be maximizing the amount of deep, restful sleep while at the same increasing your production of fat-burning Human Growth Hormone that is released naturally into the body.

Advantages of RESURGE

  • Perfect for people who are sick of calorie counting, keeping diaries and food logs, buying brand specific foods tailored to the diet with the same name. RESURGE takes the stress and hassle out of dieting.
  • A weight loss supplement that isn’t made by someone you can’t relate to. John Barban was someone who needed RESURGE, used it and found results. As living proof goes, this one seems to be the real deal.
  • The RESURGE formula is backed by solid science, with all the facts to back its claims and suppositions.
  • John Barban has a proven track record in formulating weight loss supplements that have helped countless number of women.
  • Sustainable solution forever instead of an 8 week “run” like most plans.  It is made for the long haul, not for “just now”.
  • RESURGE is made from all-natural ingredients – no additives, no preservatives.
  • RESURGE is FDA approved. It is safe to take and has no known side effects.
  • RESURGE is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facility.
  • And lastly, no B.S. RESURGE is the real deal.

Watch John Barban’s Presentation Now

If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to learn more about RESURGE and watch John’s presentation.
I really hope Resurge has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.
– Stacey


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