Advice From A 48 Year Old Mother Who Lost 29 Pounds In 23 Days

I’m Sylvie, and I’m 48 years young!
How A Chance Meeting With A German Doctor Led Me To Lose 29 Pounds In 23 Days
I’d like to share a short story that I know will resonate with you…
Throughout my adult life, I’ve been overweight and have yo-yo’ed between a size 14 and 18.
I suffered from joint and back pain and had trouble sleeping at night. If things could not get any worse, I was pre-diabetic and my blood pressure was off the charts.
I had no energy nor desire for any activities — including sex with my husband, Dan. Needless to say, our marriage lacked the spark it once had.
Desperate to lose weight, I forced myself to suffer through many fad diets and programs— where I:
  • Ate food that tasted like cardboard
  • Took dangerous prescription medicines
  • Counted every calorie and point
  • Even starved myself for days
Whenever I would stop dieting only for a few days, the weight would come back — with a vengeance.
I chalked up my inability to lose weight to just getting older and I resigned myself to being fat and sick for the rest of my life.
…until an unexpected visit to an emergency hospital in Germany changed the course of my life.
Dan and I were on our way to Finland in an attempt to rekindle our marriage.
In mid-flight, Dan collapsed on his way to the bathroom. All I could remember was seeing Dan lie on the floor, his head covered with blood and both his hands clutching his chest, struggling to catch each breath.
Next thing I knew, our plane landed in Germany and we were transported by helicopter to the nearest hospital.
The doctors worked on Dan for hours while I paced anxiously around the waiting room contemplating a life without Dan.
Will our children ever see their father again? Will Dan ever get to meet his grandchildren? I still loved Dan and I wanted to grow old with him.
Three hours after Dan was wheeled into surgery, a doctor came to see me.
“Madam, your husband is fine and he will make a full recovery. He is a very lucky man. He had a heart attack but we were able to stabilize him without surgery. He is resting now. You can go in to see him”.
In that moment of relief, I broke down and cried.
The doctor handed me his handkerchief. With a concerned look, he continued,
“Your husband needs to lose at least 30 pounds, and soon. If he doesn’t, he’ll be at risk for another heart attack. And next time, he may not be so lucky”.
Just like me, I knew Dan’s belly was getting bigger and rounder each day and we knew he had high blood pressure. We just did not think it would cause a heart attack.
“But he’s tried many different ways to lose weight. Nothing works! I really don’t know if losing weight is ever possible for Dan”, I replied with a very worried look.
The doctor assured me that it can be done, Don’t worry, it is possible. Dan“ lose the weight. I’ll get Dr. Heinrick, our resident naturopathic doctor to see you both tomorrow morning. Dr. Heinrick knows a lot about weight loss”.
When I walked into Dan’s room, he was already fast asleep.
Seeing Dan in that current state I suddenly realized that I too could also have a heart attack at anytime. It was at that moment I knew that unless I figured out how to make ourselves lose weight, and quickly, there was a good chance one of us won’t be around for out next birthday.
I knelt down beside Dan’s bed, thank God for saving Dan’s life and prayed for Him to send us a miracle.
The next morning we met Dr. Heinrick.
…and he would be the miracle God sent to help us lose weight.
Dr. Heinrick was a particularly handsome man who exuded so much confidence and charisma that he reminded me of George Clooney in E.R.
As soon as he walked in, Dr Heinrick hugged me tightly and gave Dan a big, firm handshake.<
“Hello, I’m Dr. Heinrick. I’m a naturopathic doctor at this hospital. I’m going to help you lose weight, get rid of that fat around your belly and make you strong, healthy and feeling energized again”, he greeted us loudly.
“I really hope you can. I’ve tried every diet and exercise regimen there is but nothing has ever worked…, Dan started to say.
“Ah, yes, but you have not tried this breakthrough weight loss protocol I’m going to tell you about. We’ve been having a lot of success with overweight men and women here in Germany”, Dr Heinrick quickly added, cutting Dan off.
For the next 20 minutes, Dr. Heinrick proceeded to tell us how he has discovered the true cause of weight gain and belly fat accumulation, and how he has created a simple and natural weight loss solution that has helped hundreds of men and women, ages ranging from 30 to 60 lose weight and restore their energy and vitality.
We both sat in silence, mouth wide opened, in a trance, listening to every word…
The biggest revelation was that men and women in their 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s don’t lose weight because of a very specific hidden irritation inside their bodies that damages their metabolism and hormonal systems and that alone causes fat to accumulate around their bodies and organs.
No matter how much you work yourself to death in the gym or restrict your diet as much as you want, this invisible irritation makes absolutely certain you never lose an ounce of fat.
He stressed that this irritation might very well be the main reason why Dan hasn’t been able to lose any weight. Dr. Heinrick told us that Dan needed to start this protocol right away.
Dr. Heinrick passed Dan a couple of binders that outlined exactly what to eat and when to eat each food.
We were both still very skeptical, especially when it listed several foods that I thought was on a diet, like Chocolate Cake (both our guilty pleasure).
Before leaving, Dr. Heinrick turned to me and said, “I hope I’m not stepping out of line here, but I think you would very much benefit from following the instructions in the binders. I’m afraid that if you don’t reduce the size of your waist, you could very well end up having a heart attack like your husband”.
…and that was the second and last wake-up call I needed.
Once we arrived back home, Dan and I set off for the grocery store and purchased every food on Dr. Heinrick’s list.
I continued to be skeptical and just remembered thinking “This seems far too easy”
But Dan and I were desperate to try anything.
Plus, Dr. Heinrick obviously knows what works for fat loss since many overweight German men and women have used his protocol to transform their bodies and regain their youthful energy.
Dan and I immediately began eating the foods outlined in Dr. Heinrick’s binders and followed the other surprisingly simple steps.
Since /followed Dr. Heinrick’s advice, here are the SHOCKING results experienced that will always consider a true miracle:
  1. My weight dropped like a brick from 203 lbs to 174 lbs in just 23 days.I no longer had to worry about my blood pressure or blood sugar level. I’m happy to say that the pain.
  2. I have since lost an additional 27 lbs (56 pounds total)! This was over the course of just one year. It was far easier than I expected, I never once felt hungry and I’ve not gained back any of the weight since.
  3. I just had my 48th birthday and, I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my 20’s. Keeping up with my grandchildren would have been impossible for me at my previous weight!
  4. My extreme fatigue and dramatic mood swings have disappeared and my creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back just in time for Dan and I to celebrate our 26th year wedding anniversary. I truly couldn’t feel happier.
  Since then, something else amazing has happened and it’s the main reason I’m sitting at my desk writing this letter now.
Our lives had been changed so much by Dr. Heinrick’s protocol that we encouraged our son-in-law Bruce Krahn, a personal trainer and weight loss coach to share this discovery with overweight men and women everywhere beyond Germany.
In his 20 years of helping men and women lose weight, Bruce has not encountered a weight loss program this profound and simple, yet so effective in helping men and women lose belly fat. Bruce has now made it his personal mission in life to share this healthy weight loss program with men and women all across the world.
If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to watch Bruce’s presentation which you can find right here.
Turn up your speakers and click the play button to watch now.
I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.

                                                   Click Here to watch the video
I really hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me. Because the information you’re about to learn has literally saved my life.


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