How I Lost 40 Pounds Without Eating Crazy Foods Or Spending Hours At The Gym

I’m Debbie and I’m a 39 year old single mom and I used to be fat.

If you give me 5 minutes, I’d like to share a personal story that I know will resonate with you…
Did you know that overweight people are as much as 1,200% more likely to develop diabetes?
Did you know excess body fat is a ticking bomb ready to blow your life into pieces?
Nope, I didn’t know any of this either.
I only found out after I almost died from a heart attack…
After my blood sugar levels were through the roof and I was borderline in developing full Type 2 diabetes.
You’re not worried about diabetes or heart diseases, you say?
Okay, here’s what else being fat has done to me:
  • Chronic pain in my head, back and joints — day after day I felt miserable with no end in sight.
  • Always feeling tired and lacking energy — I’d slogged through my day and then find that I don’t sleep worth a damn at the end of it!
  • Dramatic risk of heart attacks, cancer and stroke constantly stalked me.
  • Risk of depression and even brain diseases like Alzheimer’s still haunts me.
Enough said.
I know it’s hard to break the fat cycle.
In fact, I know why it’s hard — and the truth is that it’s not really your fault.
You see, I dealt with my weight problem for years…
Hell, I was 40 pounds overweight, and for a woman who’s 5 foot 5, that’s pretty much obese!
I used to hate the looks I’d get. Like I was doing something wrong just by being fat and doing it around them!
People looked down on me and figured I was just lazy and didn’t care about how I looked.
In truth, I was actually trying all kinds of stuff to drop the weight.
It’s a lot tougher than most people know. And that’s because most people don’t know how the body actually works and how to get the body to burn fat rather than store fat.
I tried diets, fasts, fad workouts and nothing really helped.
I’d lose a few pounds but never really seemed to look better or feel better, for that matter. Even when I ate organic healthy foods, it didn’t seems to do anything for me long term.
And did I put the runners on and hit the streets? Sure did – and as it turns out, this was actually hurting me rather than helping!
I just felt awful, physically and mentally… I was ready to give up until I saw an ad on a Facebook group I was part of.
This guy Brian Flatt was hosting a free weight loss seminar at the gym I belonged to. I’d heard of him before, although I didn’t really know much.
It was free, so I figured what did I have to lose?
Brian’s talk really opened my eyes and opened a door to a better life for me… and the shocking part was that the true way to lose weight is simpler than you might think…
It’s all about using your body’s own bio-chemistry. See, the body does 2 things very efficiently…
Your body converts fats, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates to body fat… and your body converts body fat into energy by burning it away!
If you’re anything like me and every other human being on the planet, then the first thing is easy.
The surprising thing is that your body is really just as good at burning fat away as it is at storing it… under the right conditions.
The trouble is that most of our bodies spend 5 times as long creating fat as they do burning it. Think about that – 20 hours of each day storing fat cells and only 4 burning them away…
Not a good ratio, right?
We’re supposed to balance these two things out, but modern life has made that next to impossible.
Brian not only educated us, he asked for volunteers to try out his new 1 Week Diet program.
He said that if I did exactly what he said, I could lose 7 to 10 pounds in that week, and here’s how:
  • To start, Brian showed me how to flush my body out and make way for the good stuff that was going to help me burn fat.
  • Then he showed me how to triple my fat burning timeframe from 4 to 12 hours a day and I watched as the weight dropped off every single day!
I look and feel great now.
I dropped 40 pounds overall, narrowly missing the on rushing diabetes train and heart disease which was threatening me.
My depression went away and I even met my new husband shortly afterward!
Brian literally saved my life!
1 week, 1 simple step by step program and 8 pounds lost!
No starvation, no crazy foods, no hours in the gym and no gruelling cardio – just simple science based on ancient wisdom.
With such tremendous success with the 1-Week Diet, Brian has since made it his mission in life to bring the 1-Week Diet program to women across the world.
If you are a woman who has struggled to lose weight in the past, you owe it to yourself to watch Brian’s presentation, which you can find here.
Turn up your speakers and click the play button to watch now.
I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.
Click Here To Watch The Video
I really hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me. Because the information you’re about to learn has literally saved my life.


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